Trade with any wallet

Trading with Any Wallet allows a market-making bot to execute trades using different wallets, enabling flexibility in managing assets and diversifying risk. This feature can be particularly useful for strategies that require moving funds between wallets for security or operational reasons.

â–ŽHow It Works

  1. Wallet Management: The bot maintains a list of available wallets, each with its own balance and credentials.

  2. Dynamic Selection: Before executing a trade, the bot dynamically selects which wallet to use based on criteria such as balance, transaction fees, or trading strategy.

  3. Order Execution: The bot places orders using the selected wallet, ensuring that the appropriate wallet is funded and ready for trading.


  • Flexibility: Easily switch between wallets based on market conditions or asset availability.

  • Risk Diversification: Spread trades across multiple wallets to mitigate risks associated with holding large amounts in a single wallet.

  • Security: Reduce the risk of loss by distributing assets among different wallets.

â–ŽExample Code

Below is an implementation of the "Trade with Any Wallet" feature within a market-making bot using Python.

â–ŽSample Code

import random import time

class Wallet: def init(self, wallet_id, balance): self.wallet_id = wallet_id self.balance = balance # Balance in the trading asset

def can_trade(self, amount):
    """Check if there is enough balance to trade."""
    return self.balance >= amount

def execute_trade(self, amount):
    """Execute a trade and deduct the amount from the balance."""
    if self.can_trade(amount):
        self.balance -= amount
        print(f"Executed trade for {amount:.2f} from wallet {self.wallet_id}. Remaining balance: {self.balance:.2f}")
        return True
        print(f"Insufficient balance in wallet {self.wallet_id} for amount {amount:.2f}.")
        return False

class MarketMakingBot: def init(self, trading_pair, wallets, min_trade_amount, max_trade_amount): self.trading_pair = trading_pair self.wallets = wallets # List of Wallet objects self.min_trade_amount = min_trade_amount self.max_trade_amount = max_trade_amount

def get_market_price(self):
    """Simulate fetching the current market price (replace with actual logic)."""
    return random.uniform(100, 200)  # Simulated price between $100 and $200

def get_random_trade_amount(self):
    """Generate a random trade amount within the defined range."""
    return random.uniform(self.min_trade_amount, self.max_trade_amount)

def select_wallet(self, trade_amount):
    """Select a wallet that has enough balance to execute the trade."""
    for wallet in self.wallets:
        if wallet.can_trade(trade_amount):
            return wallet
    return None

def place_trade(self):
    """Place a trade using a randomly selected wallet."""
        trade_amount = self.get_random_trade_amount()
        market_price = self.get_market_price()
        selected_wallet = self.select_wallet(trade_amount)

        if selected_wallet:
            total_cost = trade_amount * market_price
            print(f"Placing Trade for {self.trading_pair}: Amount = {trade_amount:.2f}, Price = {market_price:.2f}, Total Cost = {total_cost:.2f}")
            # Execute the trade
            print("No wallet has sufficient balance to execute the trade.")

    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error placing trade for {self.trading_pair}: {e}")

def run(self):
    while True:
        time.sleep(10)  # Check every 10 seconds

if name == "main": trading_pair = 'ETH/USDT' min_trade_amount = 0.1 # Minimum amount to buy (in ETH)

max_trade_amount = 1.0  # Maximum amount to buy (in ETH)

# Initialize wallets with IDs and balances
wallets = [
    Wallet(wallet_id='wallet_1', balance=2.0),
    Wallet(wallet_id='wallet_2', balance=1.5),
    Wallet(wallet_id='wallet_3', balance=0.5),

bot = MarketMakingBot(trading_pair, wallets, min_trade_amount, max_trade_amount)

â–ŽExplanation of the Code

  1. Wallet Class:

    • Represents individual wallets with an ID and balance.

    • Contains methods to check if there is enough balance to trade and to execute trades.

  2. Market Making Bot Class:

    • Initializes with a trading pair, a list of wallets, and minimum/maximum trade amounts.

    • Contains methods to fetch market prices, generate random trade amounts, and select an appropriate wallet.

  3. Trade Execution:

    • The place_trade method selects a wallet with sufficient balance and executes the trade.

    • If no wallet has enough balance, it logs an appropriate message.

  4. Running the Bot:

    • The run method continuously places trades in an infinite loop, checking every 10 seconds.

Last updated