Strategy BUY THE DIP


The BUY THE DIP strategy uses a trading bot to automatically buy an asset when its price falls below a certain level. This allows traders to buy assets at a lower price and potentially profit from a price recovery.


Suppose you want to implement a BUY THE DIP strategy for asset XYZ. You can configure the trading bot as follows:

  1. Deep's level

  • Determine the price level below which you want to buy the asset. For example, you can set this level to 10% below the current price.

  1. Volume of the Order

  • Specify the amount you want to buy when the price reaches the dip level.

  1. Verification Interval

  • Set the interval at which the bot will check the price of the asset. For example, you can set the interval to 1 minute.

When the price of asset XYZ falls below the dip level, the bot will automatically place a buy order for the specified amount.

Basic code

Disclamer: We provide basic codes to avoid information leaks

Strategy BUY THE DIP code

// ```python import web3 import time

def buy_the_dip(w3, pair, amount, dip_level, check_interval): """Realizes the BUY THE DIP strategy.

  Args: w3: The Web3 object connected to the wallet. pair: The trading pair (e.g., "ETH/XYZ"). amount: The amount of the buy order. dip_level: The price level below which you want to buy the asset (as a percentage of the current price). check_interval: The interval to check the price of the asset (in minutes). """ # Get the current price of the asset current_price = get_current_price(pair)

  # Calculate the dip level dip_price = current_price * (1 - dip_level / 100)

  while True: # Wait until next check time.sleep(check_interval * 60)

      # Get the current price of the asset current_price = get_current_price(pair)
       # If the asset price falls below the dip level, place a buy order if current_price <= dip_price: order = w3.eth.contract( address=get_exchange_contract_address(pair), abi=get_exchange_abi(pair) ).functions.createOrder( pair, amount, current_price ).buildTransaction()

          # Send order transaction_hash = w3.eth.sendTransaction(order)

          # Wait for the order to be executed receipt = w3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(transaction_hash)

          # Check if the order has been executed if receipt["status"] == 1: print("Buy order executed.") else: print("Failed to execute buy order.")

# Function to get the current price of an asset def get_current_price(pair): # ....

# Function to get the exchange contract address def get_exchange_contract_address(pair): # ...

# Function to get the ABI of the exchange contract def get_exchange_abi(pair): # ... ```

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